Best Foods for a Healthy Liver !

Healthy food plays a big role in liver health, food rich in fiber and important nutrients will protect your liver, while sugar and fat will tire him out, other factors adversely affect the health of the liver such as too much alcohol and excess industrial food products. 

Nutri4me, offers you a list of very beneficial foods that will help you to detoxify, cleanse and drain the liver! So let's see this together!

Green tea 
Green tea is rich in catechins, and these molecules called polyphenols help improve metabolism. By drinking it regularly for several times a day, green tea can enhance the detoxifying effect of the liver. This is because it will reduce the level of cortisol, which is the molecule that causes abnormal metabolism. 

Green tea is a healthy food, but excessive amounts can cause toxicity to the liver. Also note that green tea in its concentrated form as dietary supplement can cause liver problems. 

Garlic, a natural antibiotic, which helps regenerate a sick or intoxicated liver, helps the liver to activate the enzymes responsible for eliminating toxins. In addition, it contains selenium and allicin, two nutrients that help the liver to detoxify. 
To benefit your body, fully of its virtues, the best solution is therefore to consume it raw. 

Most foods have an effect on the body, including spices! 
Turmeric the orange spice is a detoxifying and protective food for the liver. Turmeric is actually rich in curcumin, the antioxidant pigment that makes it gives its yellow color. 
The latter stimulates biliary functions and helps the liver to get rid of toxins.

Avocado is an excellent source of antioxidants, this food has many benefits for our health, rich in good natural fatty acids, the avocado helps repair damaged livers and which would relieve liver function. 

Lemon has diuretic properties which allows the elimination of toxins, reducing bad cholesterol and stimulates bile production. It is advisable to drink lemon juice, diluted with lukewarm water every morning in order to detoxify the body and cleanse the liver. 
By stimulating the production of bile, lemon helps the liver, However, this therapy detox should not exceed 21 days, otherwise there is a risk of hepatic fatigue. 

Coffee has a beneficial effect on the liver, its effects are even more beneficial when it comes to alcoholics or those who abuse alcohol!
Drinking coffee can relatively prevent alcoholic cirrhosis, that's why we find that alcoholics drink a lot of coffee. 
Several studies have shown that drinking 2 to 3 cups of coffee per day can be beneficial for patients with liver disease. 

Beets are more than just a vegetable! Known for its large quantities of antioxidants and vitamins, it is very useful for your body. All foods rich in antioxidants can be used as liver cleansers, especially if you have fatty liver syndrome. 
Beets are rich in fiber, water and protein, this vegetable is very vigorous and has medicinal properties. 

Grapefruit is a good source of vitamin C and other antioxidants, It also helps cleanse and detoxify the liver. Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, can neutralize free radicals and help detoxify heavy metals in the liver. 
The phytonutrient called limonine in grapefruit helps excrete toxic compounds from the liver by making them more soluble in water and contains a flavonoid compound called naringin which helps the liver to burn fat instead of storing it.

Thanks to its high potassium content, the carrot is a vegetable that is classified in the category of natural diuretics, it is ideal for draining the liver, this vegetable contains a multitude of vitamins and minerals which makes it a good natural remedy for the liver. consumption of carrot juice is also beneficial for the proper functioning of the liver. 

Olive oil
Olive oil has many properties and its consumption has many health benefits. Many of its beneficial properties have been discovered and proven scientifically. 
In addition to these beneficial effects on inflammation, the inflammatory system and other diseases, olive oil is also believed to protect the liver from damage caused by oxidative stress. extra olive oil, does not increase liver fat