What I should follow and what I should avoid that we have diabetes!

425 million people have diabetes worldwide, according to the International Diabetes Federation, this qualifies the phenomenon of a real pandemic, because the progression is considerable, thus, it is even expected to have 622 million diabetics by 2040.

Diet, physical activity and medication are important parts of the prevention and treatment of diabetes. A balanced diet is scientifically proven to have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels and overall health. Therefore, a balanced diet is a basic benefit.

But Why do you become diabetic? how to balance your diet? and what foods should you avoid or limit when you have diabetes? All the answers with Nutri4Me.

Why do you become diabetic?
How to balance your diet?
- What to know first.
- List of foods to favor.
- How to compose a balanced meal?
- Basic tips
What foods should you avoid or limit when you have diabetes?

Why do you become diabetic?

There are two kinds of diabetes, type 1 and type 2 diabetes. We are talking about the most common here, type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes has a strong genetic component. Some people have a genetic background that is conducive to the development of this disease.
And, certain factors favor the onset of diabetes in those people predisposed with, in the first place, diet.

In fact, overeating,especially meals that are too high in fat, and weight gain force the body to make more insulin, a hormone that lowers and stores sugar in the blood.
But, by dint of manufacturing, the body can develop insulin resistance, thereby triggering the mechanism of diabetes.

When you have diabetes, diet plays an important role in your daily life. Therefore, it is important to follow some major rules, especially to avoid mistakes. Objective: to control blood sugar and blood lipid levels and limit sugar consumption to 10% of total energy intake.

How to balance your diet?

Diet is the main concern of diabetics because it is an integral part of the treatment of diabetes.

What to know first:
- The diet must be varied, balanced and regular,
- Must be composed with foods from each group,
- Vegetables should be a priority in your meals.

The nutrients contained in food are essential for the normal functioning of the organism: lipids (fats), proteins and carbohydrates (sugars) are the basis. You should know that there are many types of carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates (such as sugar or sweet products) and complexes (such as starch (lentils or white beans)). 
Simple carbohydrates pass quickly through the blood, while complex carbohydrates pass slowly and have a low glycemic index because they do not raise blood sugar much.

List of foods to favor

Foods high in unsaturated fat: Avocado, oilseeds, tofu, eggplant, dark chocolate 70%, cherries, raw beetroot, lentils, plain white cheese, raw carrot, tomatoes, apples, quinoa, black bean, unsweetened quince jelly, white beans, chickpeas, split peas , flageolets, beans and whole foods versus refined foods (wholemeal flour, wholemeal bread, rice, semolina and wholemeal pasta).
Dominance in soluble fibers: Psyllium and oatmeal, barley, rye, oats, legumes, fruits rich in pectin (apple, orange, grapefruit, strawberry, pear, etc.), vegetables (eggplant, asparagus, beans and green peas, cabbage, carrots , zucchini and squash).
Dominance in insoluble fibers: whole wheat, wheat bran, wheat germ, whole wheat bread, All Bran cereals, multi-grain bread, whole wheat pasta, bulgur wheat, whole corn, spelled, flax seed bread, linseed.

How to compose a balanced meal?

Ideally, in a balanced lunch or dinner, all food groups (except the dessert group) should be represented:
- At least one crudity (one raw fruit or vegetable)
- A side dish of cooked vegetables
- One serving of meat or fish or eggs at one of the two meals at least one serving of - starchy foods and / or bread
- A dairy product
- A portion of good quality fat
- Some water

Example of lunch:

- Endive salad with 0% cottage cheese sauce (raw vegetables)
- Rice + steamed zucchini (Refined starch + cooked vegetable)
- Goat cheese (Dairy product)
- Peach (Raw fruit) + bread and water.
The fat, 1 to 2 tablespoon (s) per person, is to be spread over the entire meal.

Example of dinner:

- Leeks vinaigrette (Raw vegetables)
- Roast veal (VPO)
- Timbale of polenta + baked tomatoes (refined starch + cooked vegetable)
Sweetened 0% mixed fruit yogurt (Dairy product)
- bread and water.
The fat, 1 to 2 tablespoon (s) per person, is to be spread over the entire meal.

Basic tips

+ Eat three balanced meals a day and snacks if needed
+ Avoid skipping meals,have a regular meal schedule. These should be about 4 to 6 hours apart. 
+ Snacks should be taken 2 to 3 hours after a meal, if appropriate.
+ Choose water to hydrate yourself, better than fruit juices and sugary drinks.
+ Pay particular attention to the composition and distribution of foods containing carbohydrates: fruits, starches, milk and alternatives, beans, certain vegetables and sugary foods.

What foods should you avoid or limit when you have diabetes?

When the blood sugar level is too high, you should avoid and limit all foods that raise it quickly and significantly.

- Avoid sodas and other drinks that are too sweet, sweets and confectionery, as well as alcoholic drinks.
- The consumption of sugars, refined carbohydrates and excessive fats are indeed responsible for diabetes in adulthood.
- A diet comprising mainly refined cereal products - low in fiber and whole grains - such as white bread, or containing many foods with a high glycemic index (white rice, pastries, sugary drinks, etc.) is strongly associated with diabetes.
No longer sweeten your tea or coffee ...
- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, favoring vegetable juices over fruit juices. As a reminder, the fruits low in carbohydrates are watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, currants, blackberries, blueberries and melon; while the richest are bananas, grapes, cherries and figs.
- Avoid :Instant rice, mashed potatoes, French fries (up to once a week), potato chips, store-bought ready-to-eat foods, pastries, pastries, and chocolate or honey or breakfast cereals.
Limit your fat intake. Remember that fats are found in butter, cheese, whole dairy products, cold meats and pastries. An alternative can be to choose semi-skimmed dairy products for example or to opt for foods rich in omega 3 and 6.
Limit the consumption of table salt and hidden salt (in cold meats, cheese, store-bought meals, sparkling mineral water), as it is harmful for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, it can promote glucose in blood Through.